You must
reserve a Supplier Suite before a Collaboration Kiosk can
be reserved |
Please select a Supplier Suite first in order to be eligible to reserve a Collaboration Kiosk.
There are 6 different types of Supplier Suites to choose from:
- Presidential Suite: $29,500
- Terrace Suite: $19,500
- Sky Suite: $15,000
- Sunset Suite: $9,500
- Horizon Suite: $7,500
- Standard Suite: $4,500
- Optional 2nd Meeting Room Upgrade: $3000.00
Upgrade your presidential, terrace, sky, sunset or horizon suite to have a second meeting space by flipping the sleeping room for $3,000.
You'll choose from one meeting room configuration prior to the event.
Do you want to upgrade your presidential, terrace, sky, sunset or horizon suite?
Collaboration Kiosk options may be selected as part of your request. Please place them in the order of your preference.
If you are
interested in sponsorship, please contact Abby Valentino at avalentino@snacintl.org
* Desired Number of Collaboration Kiosks:
If you'd like to reserve more than one Supplier Suite, please add your request to the comment box below.
Please specify in the section below any comments or questions, and if there are any suppliers you would
or would not like to be located near.
Reach out to Abby Valentino at avalentino@snacintl.org for assistance.
Click here
to download the SNX 2024 application and contract for Supplier Suites and Collaboration Kiosks.
Please return your completed contract with 50% deposit (and 100% non-member fee if applicable) to
Abby Valentino at avalentino@snacintl.org.
SNAC Membership must be active for the year of 2023 before the start of SNX.
If you exhibited at SNAXPO in 2023, please select your company name from the "Existing Suppliers"
dropdown list below. If you did not exhibit in 2023, please fill all required fields and click "Submit Request."
The information you enter here will print exactly as entered in the SNX24 Mobile App and on the website
Fields marked with an * are required
Past Suppliers:
* Member / Non-Member:
* Is this your First Time Exhibiting at SNAXPO?
* Company:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Title:
* Email:
Secondary Contact Email:
* Company Phone:
* Cell Phone:
Billing Contact First Name:
Billing Contact Last Name:
Billing Contact email address:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Zip/Postal Code:
* Country:
A 50% deposit of total Supplier Suite and Collaboration Kiosk rental cost and 100% of other fees must
be submitted with this application. The balance is due by 11/30/23. Applications received after this date must include
a 100% payment of Supplier Suite/Collaboration Kiosk rental cost and other fees.
Supplier Suite rental is based on suite type. Presidential Suite - $29,500; Terrace Suite - $19,500; Sky Suite - $15,000;
Sunset Suite - $9,500; Horizon Suite - $7,500; Standard Suite - $4,500.
All Collaboration Kiosks are $4,500.
SNX24 Education and Collaboration Forum will be held April 14 - 16, 2024
There is an additional one time, $1,250 fee for nonmembers of SNAC International. Please be sure to include this figure
in your total due if applicable. This fee is not required for SNAC International members that have paid their membership
dues for fiscal year 2020.
For the first Supplier Suite, Suppliers will receive one (1) complimentary registration. For each additional Supplier Suite
and Collaboration Kiosk reserved, Suppliers will receive one registration at a 50% discount. Registration includes access
to the full conference.
Final Supplier Suites/Collaboration Kiosk assignments are at the discretion of SNAC International. SNAC International members
and non-members may exhibit at SNX24.
All Suppliers must provide proof of insurance. All property of the Supplier is understood to remain under its custody
and control in transit to and from or within confines of the Facility. SNAC INTERNATIONAL does not maintain insurance
covering Supplier's property. Supplier shall carry Comprehensive General Liability coverage including premises,
operations and contractual liability coverage of at least $1,000,000 for Personal Injury Liability and $500,000 for Property,
Worker's Compensation with Employer's Liability with applicable statutory coverage. Certificates of Insurance must be furnished
before set-up can be allowed.
Please check here to indicate you have read and understand this important