Booth Selection
Please select the "View Floor Plan" button to view the booth map and make your selections.
Up to four booths may be selected as part of your request. You have the capability
to place each booth in the order of your preference.
On the booth selection page, booths can be selected using two methods:
1. Entering the booth number in the textbox and clicking the "Add Booth" button
2. Clicking a booth on the floor plan
If you are
interested in sponsorship, please contact David Walsh at dwalsh@snacintl.org
* Desired Booth Size:
Please specify in the section below if there are any exhibitors you would or would
not like to be located near.
And please feel free to use this text box for any comments or questions you have. You can always reach Abby Valentino,
avalentino@snacintl.org or 703.836.4500 ext. 201 any time for assistance.
Click here to download
the SNAC International 2025 Application and Contract for Exhibit Space. Please return
your completed contract with 50% deposit, to SNAC International and make a copy
for your record.
If you exhibited at SNAXPO in 2023, please select your company name from the "Existing
Exhibitors" dropdown list below. If you did not exhibit in 2023, please fill all
required fields and click "Submit Request."
The information you enter here will print exactly as entered in the SNAXPO Mobile
App and on the SNAXPO.com Website.
Fields marked with an * are required
Past Exhibitors:
* Member / Non-Member:
* Is this your First Time Exhibiting at SNAXPO?
* Company:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Title:
* Email:
Secondary Contact Email:
* Company Phone:
Cell Phone:
Billing Contact First Name:
Billing Contact Last Name:
Billing Contact email address:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Zip/Postal Code:
* Country:
A 50% deposit of total space rental cost and 100% of other fees must be submitted with this application.
The balance is due by November 30, 2024. Applications received after this date must include a 100% payment of space rental
cost and other fees. Space rental is $3,800 for each 10'x10' space. There is an aisle fee of $800 added to all island booths.
There is an additional $1,250 fee for nonmembers of SNAC International. Please be sure to include this figure in your total
due if applicable. This fee is not required for SNAC International members that have paid their membership dues for fiscal
year 2024.
SNAXPO 2025 Trade Show and Convention will be held March 30 - April 1. The exhibit hall will officially be open Monday,
March 31 and Tuesday, April 1.
Exhibitors will receive one (1) complimentary full package and one (1) complimentary exhibit hall-only registration for the
first booth. For each additional booth, they receive an additional complimentary exhibit hall only registration.
The complimentary full conference registration includes access to the opening and closing networking events,
two general sessions with breakfast and speakers, educational breakout sessions, lunch in the exhibit hall,
reception in the exhibit hall, set-up/tear down, and work in the booth.
The exhibit hall-only registration includes setup, work in, and teardown of the booth, lunch in the exhibit hall, and the
reception in the exhibit hall. We strongly recommend that this registration be upgraded to the full package to get the
most out of your SNAXPO experience and have more time with the customers you want to meet.
Exhibitors with booths 20' x 30' and larger are entitled to an unlimited number of exhibit hall-only customer passes to give
to their customers that are snack producers, who will be thoroughly vetted by SNAC International to confirm they meet
the requirement of being with a snack producing company. Exhibitors with booths 20' x 20' and smaller are entitled to
an unlimited number of exhibit hall-only customer passes at a 50% discount. Staff from exhibiting companies and non-snack
producers are not eligible to register for a customer pass. Please contact Christina Briones
(cbriones@snacintl.org) to receive a customized invitation that can be sent
to your customers/prospects.
All reservations are date stamped as received and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. SNAC's Trade Show
Exhibit Manager reserves the right to use discretion in reassigning spaces in cases where companies with competitive
products have exhibits adjacent to each other, or when adjustments to the layout of the exhibit hall need to be made.
Final space assignments are at the discretion of SNAC International. SNAC International members and non-members may
exhibit at SNAXPO 2025.
INSURANCE: All property of the Exhibitor is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit
to and from or within confines of the Facility. SHOW MANAGEMENT does not maintain insurance covering Exhibitor's property.
Exhibitors are required to carry property and liability insurance and be able to provide proof of general liability coverage
with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. This insurance must be in force during
the lease dates of the event, March 30 - April 1, 2025, naming SNAC International (1300 17th St N, Suite 540, Arlington, VA 22209)
as the certificate holder. The Additional Insureds must read as follows: SNAC International, Orange County Convention Center
and Freeman. Certificates must be provided to Show Management no later than February 14, 2025.
Please check here to indicate you have read and understand this important
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If you receive emails promoting attendee lists, these are a third party phishing scam and are not affiliated with
SNAXPO or SNAC International. If you receive an email from a source you believe to be impersonating SNAXPO,
please contact avalentino@snacintl.org.