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On Hold
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Total Exhibiting Companies: 202

1,4GROUP, Inc.82610 x 20
Acuitus Ag111710 x 10
ADM Fertilizer20310 x 10
AFCO140410 x 10
AG Food Safety Solutions140210 x 10
Ag World Support Systems90710 x 10
AGNEMA101310 x 10
Ag-Pak Inc.80120 x 20
Agri Control Technologies / BTU Ventilation121410 x 10
Agribusiness Succession Advisors, LLC11510 x 10
Agri-Cal USA, LLC73010 x 10
AgriERP by Folio3 Software Inc31310 x 10
Agri-Inject, Inc60210 x 20
Agrimech43120 x 20
Agrituf132110 x 10
AgroScout122910 x 10
AgWest Farm Credit120610 x 20
All Star Mfg. & Design LLC81510 x 10
Allan Equipment Manufacturing91310 x 20
AMVAC21520 x 20
APH Group - Omnivent Storage Equipment141310 x 10
Aqua Spy101510 x 10
ARCHWALL Steel Buildings61020 x 10
Arlene Resource Management74010 x 10
Atlas Agro142010 x 10
Atticus LLC111110 x 20
AVR nv72010 x 10
Azotic Technologies Ltd.102010 x 10
BA Concrete Products141410 x 10
BASF110120 x 20
BAUER - PIVOTS41510 x 10
Bayer CropScience70120 x 20
Bedford Industries50510 x 10
Bio Gro Inc.130710 x 10
BioSafe Systems132610 x 10
Bluefield Seeding Solutions Inc.111210 x 20
BTR Manufacturing72820 x 10
Cangrow Crop Solutions / Northern Konstar Potatoes132810 x 10
Canty141210 x 10
Capital Equipment120510 x 10
Central Bag Company133410 x 10
Ceres AI52910 x 10
CMSA USA20810 x 20
Colorado Certified Potato Growers Assoc.92110 x 10
Colorado Potato Certification Service71510 x 10
Corteva10720 x 10
CSS Farms81310 x 10
Dewulf91210 x 20
directpivotparts.com120310 x 10
Double L92320 x 10
DOWNS42410 x 10
Dragon-Line, Mobile Drip Irrigation73110 x 10
Ellips USA133520 x 10
Eqraft21210 x 10
Exeter Engineering Co., Inc.32920 x 30
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado32120 x 10
FarmEvo Technologies Inc.84010 x 10
FMC Corporation140720 x 10
Fox Packaging20720 x 30
Fusionware71110 x 10
Glas Equipment Ltd.62810 x 10
Gorman Controls32510 x 10
Gowan USA, LLC91610 x 10
GreenLight Biosciences131210 x 10
Greentronics Ltd.63310 x 10
Group Ag62310 x 20
Grower Logistics50310 x 10
Haifa North America Inc42310 x 10
Hammer-Lok Steel Buildings111510 x 10
Hanse Seed Corporation100920 x 10
Harriston-Mayo Inc.50920 x 10
HarvestEye Ltd.131510 x 10
Highland Fresh Technologies, LLC42210 x 10
HJV Equipment22120 x 20
Huma Inc64110 x 10
Hunter Agricultural Irrigation122110 x 20
HZPC63710 x 20
ICL Growing Solutions30210 x 10
Industrial Ventilation83610 x 20
Insort USA Inc.63110 x 10
InteliRain73910 x 10
IPL Macro Plastics60920 x 10
JMC Automation in Packaging41610 x 10
John Deere122610 x 20
JR Simplot Company52120 x 30
Klim'top Controls42910 x 10
Koch Agronomic Services, LLC121720 x 10
Kooljet Refrigeration Inc.31710 x 10
KPM Analytics140920 x 10
Kroeker Farms42120 x 10
Kwik Lok Corporation81110 x 10
La Patate Lac St-Jean130010 x 10
Lallemand Plant Care81410 x 10
Lindsay Corp (Zimmatic)83010 x 20
Lockwood Mfg.102120 x 20
McCain Foods132720 x 30
Mcgowan Rice, Inc73210 x 10
Metos North America74110 x 10
Miksanek Enterprises Inc.41110 x 20
Milestone91720 x 10
Miller Chemical and Fertilizer71010 x 10
Minnesota Certified Seed Potato Growers Association90910 x 10
Modern Produce Equipment LLC52810 x 10
Montana Potato Advisory Committee73310 x 10
Mooij Agro123310 x 20
Mountain Valley Logistics, LLC73610 x 10
Nachurs Alpine Solutions91110 x 10
National Bulk Bag131720 x 10
National Potato Council113950 x 20
Nebraska Irrigation51410 x 10
Nelson Irrigation Corporation133210 x 10
Nichino41010 x 10
NNZ Inc.70720 x 10
Nordany62110 x 10
North Carolina Potato Association90810 x 10
North Dakota State Seed Department80910 x 10
NovaSource, Tessenderlo Kerley50810 x 10
Omnia Specialties, Inc.141710 x 10
Organisan Corp121210 x 10
Ostara72410 x 10
Oxbo International Corporation101210 x 20
Parkland Potato Varieties (formerly Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd)130310 x 20
PATH - Software61310 x 10
Pegasus Robotics Inc151210 x 10
PEI Bag Company42510 x 10
Photovolt Instruments Inc.130410 x 10
PhycoTerra140610 x 10
Pillar Butte Seed111610 x 10
Pim Machinery11720 x 10
Pinion130910 x 10
Planet Earth Agronomy31110 x 10
Plant Grow Harvest50120 x 10
Potato Certification Association of Nebraska61510 x 10
Potato Country111010 x 10
Potato Grower Magazine71310 x 10
Potato Growers of Alberta121610 x 10
Potato Research Advisory Committee142210 x 10
Potato Sustainability Alliance41210 x 10
Potato Variety Management Institute101710 x 10
Potatoes USA113320 x 20
PotatoPro.com130210 x 10
PotatoWorld Magazine131410 x 10
Powered Living Inc.141510 x 10
Precision Industrial Equipment61110 x 10
Premier Tech40720 x 10
Presia Ag Insights131310 x 10
Prince Edward Island Potato Board91010 x 10
Propane Education & Research Council40820 x 10
Provision Analytics21410 x 10
Quest Products LLC72910 x 10
Rabo AgriFinance71210 x 20
Raytec Vision SPA121310 x 10
Real Potatoes Ltd.70910 x 10
Redox Bio-Nutrients121010 x 10
Reinke Manufacturing Company, Inc.132010 x 20
Restrain73710 x 10
Rietveld Equipment, LLC140020 x 10
Rockyview Elite Tuber Ltd.41720 x 10
Rovensa Next30120 x 30
Safe-T-Pull Inc.112320 x 10
Sentek USA130610 x 10
SFW / Tummers63220 x 10
SNF Inc.11110 x 20
Soil Health Institute41410 x 10
Soiltech Wireless72710 x 10
Solanum International Inc.71610 x 10
Spudman72210 x 10
Spudnik Equipment82120 x 20
SQM North America81210 x 10
Suberizer, Inc.101110 x 10
SunRain Varieties LLC51520 x 20
SurePoint Ag Systems Inc.122710 x 10
SYMACH - BW Flexible Systems73810 x 10
Syngenta90120 x 20
Techmark, Inc.80720 x 10
Teleos Ag Solutions120710 x 10
Tessenderlo Kerley, Crop Vitality51010 x 20
The Main Branch121510 x 10
Tiger-Sul Products32310 x 10
Tolsma-Grisnich52210 x 20
TOMRA Food100120 x 30
Tong Engineering Ltd.81710 x 10
TriCal Group120920 x 10
Trinity Trailer MFG., Inc.72120 x 20
Tristeel Manufacturing Co. Inc.80810 x 20
UFP Packaging, LLC40910 x 10
United Potato Growers of America112910 x 10
United Potato Growers of Canada112710 x 10
UPL63010 x 10
Valley Agronomics31510 x 10
Valmont112120 x 10
Van Doren, SKALS, Deprez, VAM WaterTech40120 x 20
Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions110710 x 20
Vive Crop Protection71720 x 10
Volm Companies, Inc.60120 x 30
Warner & Warner Inc20120 x 10
Wilbur-Ellis100610 x 10
Wisconsin Certified Seed Potatoes120110 x 10
Wonderful Laboratories61910 x 10
Yara North America100810 x 20